I hope you have been enjoying the flurry of postings on my part, as of late. I've received several lovely emails to that effect, and I want you who have notified me of this that I greatly appreciate the feedback.
But, to get down to business, it occurred to me that I should write about an incredibly important topic that has everything to do with the evocations I've spoken on: removal of obstacles. This is a topic that comes up every so often, and its something that is not talked about enough, in my view, as we generally have little to no understanding of what the phrase "remove obstacles from my life" actually means.
I'm sure you all know, at least loosely, what the word "obstacle" means. To reiterate this, an obstacle is anything that keeps someone from getting what they want or getting to where they need to be. That being the case, lets think, for a moment, on what that means to us from a magical and spiritual point of view. Think of all of the things you have that you covet...think about why and how you cling to them. Does your wife, car, girlfriend, job, pet, boss, or a special possession get called to mind? Is there anything that you feel, on some level, is holding you back?
If something does come up, either in divination or even in the back of your mind, think about what that means to you. Many times, its something that we treasure, and losing that can be incredibly painful. That being the case, you need to think long and hard about whether or not you're prepared to take that step. If you aren't, don't ask. If you are, be prepared for what you might get. Asking the Powers that Be to remove a specific obstacle may still cause you to wind up with an overzealous spirit cutting hedges left and right.
Be aware of this going in, lest you get an unfortunate surprise.
Warm regards,