In exchange for my efforts, I was given a look ahead into what's coming. It's that information that I've been inspired to share here:
These runes that you see were drawn attached to a question I asked: "what do we have to look forward to in the coming months?"
The first photo represents the initial cast of the bones. The second shows that which was face down with the exception of Wunjo, which is only pictured in the first reading as a kind of "standing stone". We are making ready for the way ahead, and as we do this there are many changes afoot. Our foundations are changing, the way we interact with one another are changing, and the way that we connect with ourselves is changing. Each of these laborers are paving the way forward, allowing us to chart a way through this kind of mountain pass that stands ahead of us, and so it is that we cannot see the joy ahead until we are there and made ready to enjoy what we've been working towards.
For now, it will feel like a gamble, and the things that we invest in now will have a major effect on our future to come. We cannot see the road ahead clearly, but it is still there & I see a great need to trust the process and put one foot in front of the other. Knowing this, know that this process is slow and steady. It will be agonizing at times and incredibly frustrating at others, but we are approaching major changes & this memo has been echoed so loudly that I've been inspired to share what was intended to be a personal look into what's ahead.