Please forgive the tone of this post, as it is, in many ways, a small rant about a topic that has decidedly recurred in my work with clients, and it bears mentioning.
The topic at hand is the veracity of psychic information. To start, let's face it, we all get inklings of information that we don't have cause to know from time to time. Sometimes its a twinkle in our mind that suggests that our lover is having an affair, or other times its a strong negative feeling about a person or place. Some call it psychicism, others refer to it as instinct, but the long and short of it is that the information is pulled from the ether - either inside or outside of the microcosm.
The fact remains that this information may or may not be correct. When reading cards, runes, blood, wax, spit, seminal fluids, sweat, drink, crystals, bones, or any other means we are confronted with this psychic source of information which is up to us to interpret. No cards or other such methods have set interpretations, as much as some might think that they do, for they reflect us and the situation that we are asking about. The very fact that those results are open to interpretation means that it is possible to be dead wrong.
Now, for me, it doesn't happen very often, I've found. 99% of the time, when I feel something is the case, it is, and my friends and family have come to appreciate my talent for being spot on without actually having proof. I used to spend so much time saying "I told you so" that finally they started to listen. That does not, however, mean that I am always right. There's still a glaring 1% there, and while it may not come up often, it does still come up from time to time, and there's little that can be done about that until I, or someone else, figure out how to become omniscient.
These things do happen, and, while its unfortunate, that's life for you. I've found that sometimes we are actually bound to get incorrect information because someone is gunning for us on some level, or the Gods aren't really happy about what we're doing, and have decided to misdirect us. There's no real way around it.
Having said as much, please be aware that if you're going to hire me to do work or a divination for you, keep in mind that I, like you, am human and thereby error-prone. Even the Gods make mistakes, after all, so don't expect that I'll be 100% on target all of the time.
/Rant off. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a pleasant day.