The earliest known serpents are somewhere around 167 million years old, while we are quite young by comparison (I've seen articles dating us to around 300,000 years). That is quite the numbers difference, so when you tap into these beings, recognize that there's a distinctly primal aspect to their attitudes and manifestations that then inform and direct your work. This might seem counterintuitive, but there's a marked shift in perspective to be had in working with them, and this is part of that which changes our points of view.
The nature of the beings that you work with, too, will make quite the difference. Working with a common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) is going to have a different outcome from working with a Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis), and they'll differ from working with Naga and the like.
The approach and the nature of it matters, so be aware that these beings aren't "safe", strictly speaking. Rather, they can teach you an enormous respect for the land and all of the hidden things on it. They can help you to find treasures and truths you never thought you'd come to understand, and it will modify strongly how you interface with the world.
This is a healthy thing, but it can be a bit jarring. Hell, I've been working with these beings for many years now, and I learn something new every time I break out the bones.