Before I start, however, it is worth posting that this information, as always, comes with its own price for you. You may not think that this will be the case now, but you'll find that after you do the work, your life will change. It may be a slow burn, or it may be changed forever in an instant, but rest assured, it will change. How it changes will depend on you, more than it will depend on Him. Forgive me if I sound melodramatic, but this is one of those circumstances wherein I've found that its best to give such a warning.
He has a way of laying His seeds of knowledge in your mind, letting them slowly take root and grow, until they overcome the pre-existing structures, much like bamboo has a habit of growing up through pavement. This is rather fitting, however, seeing as how the Horned God has had such a formative impact on human cultures throughout the ages.
Necessary Tools/Ingredients:
3 Green Candles
Patchouli Oil
Something to write or draw on, etch into, etc.
Something to write with, draw with, etch with, etc.
A glass of water or some other such offering.
The Ritual:
As always, find a place that you can sit or stand at comfortably, where you can place the candles and the offering, as well as place the implement you will draw on or etch into. Get yourself into your magic-ey mindset however you like.
When you feel as though you're ready to start, you will need to prepare the space as you see fit. If that means you need to banish, do so, and if not, that's cool too. Once that is done, you will begin to setup the ritual space.
Draw out an inverted triangle figure shown below (Forgive the rather crappy drawing...I only had access to MS Paint when I made it). The words in the "legs" of the triangle are Thesis, Synthesis, and Antithesis, and represent the various natures of the deity you are about to work with. Once the figure has been drawn and set down on the table, altar, or work area, anoint the three green candles with the patchoulie oil, and set one in each of the diamond shapes in the figure.
When you're ready to start, lay out the offering in the center of the triangle, and say the following oration: "I call to you, Horned Hunter of the Wilds. Please make yourself known to me, and work your will upon my body and my world. Show me each of your forms, and teach me all that you can. I humbly ask that you accept this offering and hear my call."
Once that has been done, simply sit and relax. See if you feel anything different in the atmosphere around you. Many times, people have reported not feeling anything, only to be beset by strange dreams and weird occurances. That's not exactly abnormal.
When you are done, do not banish the energy. Simply get up and go about your business.
Please feel free to post your experiences here. I would be curious to hear about them.