This has naturally inspired me to write today, as mental health is something of a crisis right now. Go figure, right? World's on fire, tangling with storms, droughts, plague, and a Charlie Foxtrot of Biblical proportions - it's not like we don't have reasons to be upset or a bit off-kilter!.....
......and that gives us plenty of reason to concern ourselves with our mental health and our connection to others. We are a social species, and we rely on that connection to those of our tribe (whether we are born into that structure or not), and so if you feel your mental health slipping, interact with others. Anxious? Buddy check. Afraid? Buddy check. Losing your shit? Buddy check.
This is how we keep each other alive during all of this. This is how we come out of this intact. So please, take care of you. Take care of those next to you and let them do the same for you. I don't know you, but I care. If you're struggling, reach out and we'll see what we can do together.
If you find that others are struggling when suicidal ideation, get them in touch with the Suicide Hotline or like equivalent. Take this seriously so that you and I don't need to bury any more friends and loved ones this year, eh?
Additionally, I've developed a mantra practice specifically for such intervention that I'd like to share with you. I've used it twice and both ladies still live: OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA. Chant that 108x for those who struggle and see them receiving the help they need, whatever it may be. Using this and following those we love into the dark with a torch can make one hell of a difference.
I hope this helps you to help your friends and families. Much love.