Our society has a tendency to try to homogenize all things for the sake of fitting in to the greater whole in a way that feels unified on the surface, often to the wholesale detriment of all of the uniqueness that makes us who and what we are.
Recognizing this, I feel a need to rewild myself, the world within, and the world without to get us back to the magick, to the glory, to the power and potency of circumstance.
When we're in that space where the choices are a) be like everyone else, or b) choose yourself, its important to be able to exist in a way that's healthy and additive for the whole while simultaneously being true to ourselves, and I would invite you to see what social conditioning you can lay down at the door.
There's bound to be quite a lot you're doing that makes you miserable and unhappy, all for the sake of others who are ALSO unhappy with the same systems, conditions and circumstances.
Food for thought. ;)